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The Role of Automation and AI for Managed Service Providers

Abhishek Bhargva

Telco ICT


AI for Managed Service Providers

Managed Service Providers (MSPs) are growing into dependable strategic partners for companies all over the world. This is by utilizing automation and artificial intelligence to free up vendors to concentrate on their most important tasks. 

Through automation and AI, MSPs provide exceptional customer service while simultaneously pursuing competitive distinctiveness. Because of this, it allows vendors to work more productively.

For a business to be profitable, organizations anticipate increased production and efficiency. To save expenses and preserve quality, they begin to outsource their services to managed service providers, or MSPs. 

But how can MSPs grow to satisfy customers, increase profits, and offer cutting-edge services for their clients’ digital businesses? 

With AI-Powered Automation, it’s easy.

MSP Automation: What Is It?

The deliberate application of technology and tools to automate different processes and workflows inside Managed Service Providers (MSP) companies is known as MSP automation. 

It entails using automation to speed up growth processes like sales or to handle repetitive duties like:

  • Patch management
  • System monitoring
  • Backup
  • Recovery

Service providers can proactively monitor their client’s IT infrastructure and identify and resolve possible issues before they worsen by implementing MSP automation. In actuality, MSPs can recognize and address problems before their clients even realize they exist.

What advantages does MSP Automation offer?

Globally, MSPs encounter the following difficulties:

  • Maintaining Clientele
  • Hiring fresh personnel
  • Adding new clients
  • customers’ budgets are being cut
  • Taking care of fresh security risks
  • Budget contraction for IT
  • Remote observation of both internal and external operations

Through the use of automation technology, MSPs can lessen these difficulties and get the following advantages: 

1. MSP Efficiency

Automation tools outperform humans at routine jobs in terms of accuracy and speed. These enable MSPs to use fewer resources while achieving more.

For example, Telco ICT has implemented automation in several areas, including front-line services, sales and marketing automation, and back office. This automation path has resulted in reduced expenses, faster and higher-quality services, and leaner operations.

2. Cost Savings with Automation

Automation can assist in lowering labour expenses by decreasing the amount of time spent on manual processes, which enables MSPs to grow their businesses without having to hire more workers.

For instance, Telco ICT has automated the following phases in their customer onboarding process:

  • Creation of contracts
  • CRM updates
  • Cross-selling
  • Internal communication

This has consequently, raised our:

  • Revenue comes from onboarding new customers—that is, from getting them to use their systems and services.
  • Profit margins: as a result of avoiding potential and sunk expenses associated with regular client management. We handed things up to the automation tool.

3. Enhanced Customer Experience in Managed Services

Higher service quality results from consistent and less error-prone automated operations. This improves client relationships and raises customer happiness.

Every day, MSPs get a large number of service requests. Telco ICT, a digital solutions and services company based in Melbourne, employed an automated technique, possibly based on natural language processing, to:

  • Examine the demands.
  • Evaluate them
  • Put their urgency first.

4. Cybersecurity in Managed Services

By assisting MSPs in identifying and addressing threats faster and more efficiently, cybersecurity automation technology can enhance security and compliance.

Examples of automated security use cases are:

  • Automated detection of threats
  • Reporting on compliance automatically
  • Phishing training and simulation
  • Automated reactions to incidents
  • Patch management and vulnerability scanning are done automatically
  • automated user administration and observation

5. Scalability

One of the best MSP benefits is how scalability is highly boosted. Because automated procedures are easier to reproduce at scale than manual ones, automation makes it easier for MSPs to scale their operations.

For instance, many procedures can be automated by preset standards, enabling MSPs to serve a larger clientele while utilizing fewer resources overall. These consist of:

Creating tickets, assigning them, and addressing escalation.

6. Improved judgment

Automation provides accurate, timely, and comprehensive data, which supports MSP leaders’ data-driven decision-making. Organizational leaders can gain insights into their operations, customer behaviour, and network performance by efficiently collecting and evaluating large amounts of data.

The implications include simpler MSP industry trends identification, preventative services that avert major problems, informed decision-making, and real-world cloud-based solutions and data flow. In comparison to their rivals, MSPs benefit from this competitive edge.

THE ROLE OF AI-driven MSP Tools

1. Boosts Profitability

One of the major indications that an MSPS is fulfilling its purpose in the market is its profitability. As much as we would like to say that we are in business because we like to help people, the profits also matter. 

Therefore, IT service automation plays a major role in ensuring maximum profitability with any effort put in. But how does this happen?

Five Ways AI-Powered Automation Boosts MSPs’ Profitability

  • Fulfilling Service Level Contracts.

To enhance the client experience, MSPs must adhere to Service Level Agreements (SLAs). When customers receive service within a certain time frame, they are satisfied. Getting recurring business will be facilitated by meeting SLAs.

Automatic ticket assignment and routing can assist in promptly assigning tickets to the appropriate individual who can offer a prompt resolution. To respond more quickly to a full or partial resolution, IT operations might be automated after monitoring tools notify of a server or network outage.

  • Lowering the Cost of Operation.

Automation fueled by AI makes it possible to automate procedures without the need for human interaction, which frequently saves money. Additionally, it lessens human mistakes and allows for staff reduction. 

Instead of focusing on monotonous, repetitive jobs, a human may work on more important ones. Managing inquiries, service requests, and incidents are among the many L1-level duties that can be automated with AI.

  • Optimizing Performance.

MSPs must manage their increased workload when they expand their clientele by offering services to more clients, but they also must deliver high-quality customer care.

  • Keeping Customers.

Customer experience plays a major role in keeping customers, as was indicated in the first point. What steps can MSPs take to keep their clients?

MSPs have to use automation and take the initiative in the services they offer their clients. They ought to use AI-driven automation that can communicate with IT systems and give prompt solutions with little to no human participation.

2. IT Infrastructure Management

AI-driven MSP tools are reshaping IT infrastructure management by automating tasks, optimizing resource allocation, and enhancing the overall efficiency of IT operations. These tools provide MSPs with insights to make informed decisions about infrastructure scalability, performance, and security.

3. AI-Enhanced IT Support

MSPs may provide end users with faster and more accurate answers by utilizing AI in IT support. Chatbots, AI-driven analytics, and automated ticketing systems improve user happiness and IT support’s responsiveness by guaranteeing prompt issue resolution.

4. MSP Growth Strategies

By automating repetitive work, AI helps MSPs develop by enabling them to scale their operations more effectively. MSPs can find new business opportunities, improve service performance, and customize solutions to match changing customer needs thanks to predictive analytics and AI-driven insights.

5. Emerging Technologies for MSPs

AI makes it easier to include cutting-edge technologies like blockchain, the Internet of Things, and edge computing into MSP solutions. When combined with AI, these technologies allow MSPs to remain on the cutting edge of innovation and offer their clients state-of-the-art solutions.

6. MSP Software Solutions

Artificial intelligence (AI)-driven software solutions are revolutionizing the MSP space by providing sophisticated features for automation, management, and monitoring. These technologies improve security protocols, simplify intricate procedures, and increase the general efficacy of MSP service delivery.

7. AI-powered Service Desk

AI-driven service desks transform client interactions by supplying insightful insights, automating ticket routing, and fixing prevalent problems. This increases the effectiveness of the service desk and frees up human support staff to work on more difficult assignments, which raises the standard of service as a whole.

8. Remote Monitoring and Management (RMM)

AI-powered RMM solutions give MSPs up-to-date knowledge about the functionality and condition of their clients’ networks and systems. Proactive monitoring reduces downtime and improves overall system reliability by enabling MSPs to spot and resolve possible problems before they affect end users.

9. Proactive IT Support

MSPs can provide proactive IT assistance thanks to AI’s predictive powers. AI can predict possible problems, suggest preventive actions, and guarantee a more reliable IT environment for clients by examining past data and trends.


The advantages of AI for businesses are immense. 

Through efficient ticket classification and streamlined anomaly detection, artificial intelligence (AI) is assisting managed service providers (MSPs) in automating various tasks and assisting customers in resolving issues. 

It’s important for managed service providers to understand how to use machine learning and natural language processing in their business models to achieve business and IT service delivery excellence. 

For Instance, Telco ICT has most of its services automated. This allows us to provide quick, yet accurate services to all our clients. AI has enabled us to quickly process customer requests in the shortest time possible, which has in turn led to high profitability for all our clients.

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