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A Quickstart Guide to the Essential 8: Boosting Your Business’s Cybersecurity

Abhishek Bhargva

Telco ICT


Essential 8

In today’s digital age, cybersecurity is more important than ever. With so much of our personal and professional lives taking place online, it’s crucial to have strong security measures in place to protect ourselves and our organizations from cyber threats. One framework that can help us do this is the Essential 8 security model.

The Essential 8 is a set of eight critical controls that are considered essential for defending against known cyber threats. These controls include things like Application Whitelisting, Secure Configuration, Access Control, Malware Defenses, Patch Management, Data Recovery, Security Awareness and Training, and Continuous Monitoring.

Let’s break down each of these controls in a little more detail: 

Application Whitelisting:

This control helps to ensure that only approved software is allowed to run on your devices, which can help to prevent malware and other malicious software from infiltrating your systems.

Secure Configuration:

This control is all about making sure that your devices and software are set up correctly to prevent any security holes. This includes things like ensuring that all default passwords are changed and that all unnecessary services are disabled.

Access Control:

This control is about managing who has access to your systems and data, and making sure that only the right people have access to sensitive information.

Malware Defenses:

This control is about protecting your systems from malware, such as viruses and ransomware. This can include things like installing antivirus software and keeping all software up-to-date and patched.

Patch Management:

This control is about making sure that all software is kept up-to-date and patched to prevent vulnerabilities.

Data Recovery:

This control is about having a plan in place for recovering data in case of an incident. This can include things like regularly backing up data and testing your recovery plan to make sure it works.

Security Awareness and Training:

This control is about educating employees about cybersecurity threats and best practices. This can include things like providing training on how to spot phishing emails and how to use devices and software securely.

Continuous Monitoring:

This control is about monitoring your systems and networks for signs of compromise. This can include things like using security software to monitor for suspicious activity, and regularly reviewing logs to check for unusual activity.

All together, the Essential 8 security model is a set of best practices that can help to keep your organization safe from cyber threats. By implementing these controls, you can help to protect your systems and data, and keep your organization running smoothly.

Our team is here to assist you with ensuring your business meets all of these requirements. Chat to us today to see how we can support your business

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