Business Phone System Melbourne

Cloud Service Provider

Simplify your cloud operations

Cloud solutions have revolutionised how businesses operate. It allows organisations to store, process, and retrieve vast amounts of data, deploy applications effortlessly, and foster collaboration across teams.

But managing complex cloud infrastructures, ensuring data security, optimising performance, and staying updated with evolving technologies require specialised skills and resources many organisations may lack. This is where the Managed Cloud Services come in.


But wait, what exactly is Managed Cloud Services?

Managed cloud services involve hiring a dedicated cloud service provider to operate a business's cloud infrastructure. As your provider, TelcoICT handles everyday tasks such as monitoring, maintaining, and supporting the company's cloud infrastructure. The management includes platforms, applications, and data.

There are reasons why successful business owners outsource to a cloud service provider rather than try to do things themselves.

Talk To An Expert Now


Cloud service providers are equipped with specialised expertise in cloud technologies. We have a deep understanding of various cloud platforms, cloud architectures, and best practices.

With our support, your business can access skilled professionals who can optimise your cloud infrastructure and troubleshoot issues.

Proactive Guidance

We don’t wait for accidents to happen or issues to arise. As your Cloud Service Provider, we continuously monitor performance, identify bottlenecks, and take proactive measures to optimise cloud performance.

This proactive approach helps prevent downtime and minimises disruptions to business operations.


Have you ever gotten a subscription where you pay a high price and realise you’re not utilising it enough? Or maybe one that’s more affordable, but you’re getting extra charges for going over the limit.

TelcoICT will help you optimise resource allocation. We ensure that you have the right amount of computing power, storage, and networking capabilities in response to changing business needs.

Cloud Data Protection

Your customer’s data is your responsibility. Managed cloud service providers prioritise security measures, including robust access controls, encryption, and regular security audits.

We also stay updated with the latest security threats and compliance regulations. Our cloud solutions guarantee that your business can safeguard sensitive information and mitigate risks effectively.


Outsourcing cloud management to a cloud service provider makes you cost-effective. It’s more affordable than having an in-house IT doing the job for you. Managed Cloud Services offer significant in hardware, maintenance, and personnel.

Managed cloud services for every business need

These cloud computing services allow you to achieve business
efficiency with diverse solutions offering tailor-fit flexibility,
scalability and expert management.

Telco ICT
Telco ICT

Cloud Transformation Services

Experience increased agility, scalability, and cost-efficiency through cloud computing. Working in the cloud enables you to streamline operations and enhance collaboration. With our expertise in managed cloud services, we offer a seamless transition of your applications and infrastructure to the cloud, significantly improving the way you do business. From initial assessment to migration and ongoing support, we guide you every step of the way. From planning and architecture design to data migration, application re-platforming, and post-migration support, our cloud transformation services ensure a seamless transition to the cloud.

Telco ICT

Private Cloud Services

A private cloud, or what some may know as a data centre, is implemented within your company premises. The hardware is usually kept in a heavily protected room, as it’s considered the heart of the business. The private cloud’s advantage lies in its exclusivity - all the resources, storage, and processing power is within your walls. Its heightened level of control and security is ideal for organisations with stringent compliance requirements, sensitive data, or specific performance needs. Our team can create and maintain a customised private cloud infrastructure to meet your business requirements. Opting for a private cloud enables your organisation to enjoy the advantages of cloud computing while maintaining a secure and customisable digital environment.

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Azure Public Cloud Services

A public cloud offers an existing framework you can adapt to your business and a secured cloud computing environment. Cloud solutions are stored in a secure environment owned by a trusted third-party vendor. Azure is a cloud solution developed by Microsoft and is a service trusted by 95% of Fortune 500 companies. They offer over 200 products you can adapt based on your vision. Azure public cloud service is geared towards businesses prioritising convenience and accessibility while working in a secure environment. It’s more cost-effective but less flexible – focused on adapting your business to existing solutions rather than creating your own. Our team will handle infrastructure provisioning, security, monitoring, performance optimisation tasks, and ongoing support with the array of available products within Azure. We also help in the discovery phase, ensuring you choose the right products that align with your processes.

Telco ICT

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)

With IaaS, TelcoICT will be your cloud vendor. Our specialists handle the planning, setup, management and maintenance of all the hardware in our secured location. This will allow you to customise your solutions and add more security without any hardware or space requirements of a private cloud. Picture renting a remote private cloud with a trusted provider. We pride ourselves as a trusted and reliable cloud vendor. Our team ensures that connection is always available so your business can access all your cloud solutions. You can expect consistent uptime, compliant security, and proper provisioning. An IaaS solution gives you flexibility because you keep a specific part of cloud computing within your control while leaving the more complicated matters in your cloud vendor’s hands.

Did You Know?

About 60% of Australian enterprises plan to use MCS for legacy application modernisation. Given the disruption that cloud, particularly public cloud, can have on an organisation, managed cloud service providers can support enterprises in the delivery of secure and resilient technology operations across non-cloud environments and public and private cloud environments.
-IT Brief Australia

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Security and Compliance

TelcoICT understands the critical importance of data protection and regulatory compliance. We commit to implementing industry best practices ensuring the highest levels of security and compliance for our managed cloud services.

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    Robust Data Encryption

    We utilise the latest encryption technologies to safeguard sensitive data while it is at rest or in transit. The encryption process involves using industry-standard encryption algorithms. We ensure that the data will not be readable or usable in case of unauthorised access.

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    Access Controls and Identity Management

    We implement strict measures to ensure that only authorised individuals can access your sensitive resources and data. We use multifactor authentication, role-based access controls, and privileged access management.

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    Compliance Adherence

    We follow industry-specific regulations and data protection laws. That's why our managed cloud services are designed to comply with all relevant regulatory requirements, including GDPR, HIPAA, PCI DSS, and other data privacy and security standards.

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    Regular Vulnerability Assessments and Patch Management

    To maintain a secure and reliable cloud infrastructure, we regularly conduct vulnerability assessments to identify any potential weaknesses. Our prompt patch management process ensures that any known vulnerabilities are swiftly addressed. This reduces the risk of exploitation.

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    Threat Detection and Monitoring

    We utilise up-to-date security tools to monitor and detect any potential threats in real time. By utilising intrusion detection systems, log analysis, and security information and event management (SIEM) tools, we are able to proactively identify and respond to any security incidents that may arise.

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    Security Incident Response

    In the case of any security incident, we have a detailed incident response plan in place. Our skilled team is well-trained to react rapidly and efficiently to security breaches. We adhere to established protocols to contain and mitigate the impact. Our top priority is to minimise any disruption to your business and guarantee a swift recovery.

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    Data Backup and Disaster Recovery

    We put in place a comprehensive data backup and disaster recovery solution to ensure that your data is always safe. Our regular backups store your data in secure offsite locations. Your business will continue to operate even in the event of data loss or system failures.

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    Regular Audits and Assessments

    We make it a priority to regularly review and assess our managed cloud services. Our aim is to keep our security practices and procedures always up to date and in line with industry standards. Through this continual evaluation process, we are able to consistently improve and enhance our security measures.

Did You Know?

The cloud offers better insights from big data. Businesses generate huge volumes of both structured and unstructured data on an everyday basis, collectively known as big data. According to a survey by Accenture, 79% of businesses agree that companies that don’t embrace big data may lose their competitive advantage and might even go extinct.

With TelcoICT and our Managed Cloud Services – we ensure the optimal performance and security compliance of your cloud solutions while keeping them aligned with your business needs.

We’ll take ownership of your cloud infrastructure – while you stay focused on growing your business.

As a Cloud Services Provider, we solve problems.

Businesses concerned about data loss and system downtime can rely on managed cloud services for robust disaster recovery and business continuity solutions. Companies requiring a flexible and secure remote working environment can opt for managed cloud services to deploy virtual desktop infrastructure. Organisations seeking to centralise customer data and streamline customer interactions can benefit from managed cloud services for their CRM systems. And there are a many opportunities the Cloud can offer – and we’re here to help you maximise its potential.


Expertise and Experience

Our valued client, GPS Electrical achieved continuous growth with our transformative process. As a growing business, having no dedicated IT experts while having their hands tied to fixing IT issues instead of making strategies to empower business growth and even have the potential of data loss due to multiple software programs in use.

As their IT experts, we have helped GPS Electrical solve these issues to streamline their operations. With the help of our expert and friendly team, we have completed a setup to have a more secure and new means of file sharing, security with multi-factor authentication for data safety and catch up with a new technology for phone systems and servers.


Industry Certified Professional

Take the leap into seamless cloud transformation and propel your business forward. Contact us now to schedule a consultation and embark on your journey to a managed cloud environment that powers your success.


What are Managed Cloud Services?

Managed cloud services are comprehensive solutions offered by third-party providers. Its purpose is to manage and maintain a business's cloud infrastructure, freeing them to focus on their core objectives.

Is there a difference between Managed Cloud Services and traditional hosting?

Traditional hosting involves businesses owning and managing their hardware and software, requiring resources and expertise. In contrast, managed cloud services provide a fully managed and scalable infrastructure, freeing businesses from infrastructure management.

What are the benefits of using Managed Cloud Services for my business?

Using Managed Cloud Services provides benefits such as expert support, cost efficiency, scalability, flexibility, enhanced security, and the ability to focus on core business activities.

How does Managed Cloud Services help with scalability and flexibility?

Managed Cloud Services enable businesses to scale resources up or down based on their need. This provides flexibility to adapt to changing demands without the hassle of managing the underlying infrastructure.

Can Managed Cloud Services help with cost optimisation?

Yes, Managed Cloud Services assist with cost optimisation by implementing cost-saving strategies, and providing insights into resource usage and expenditure.

What types of cloud platforms are supported by Managed Cloud Services?

Managed Cloud Services support various cloud platforms, including public clouds like Azure, AWS, and Google Cloud, as well as private and hybrid cloud environments.

How does data security work in Managed Cloud Services?

Managed Cloud Services implement robust security measures such as data encryption, access controls, and threat detection, monitoring to protect sensitive data and ensure compliance with security standards.

Can Managed Cloud Services assist with data backup and disaster recovery?

Yes, Managed Cloud Services typically include data backup and disaster recovery solutions. As a result, it promotes business continuity in the event of data loss or system failures.

What level of technical support is provided with Managed Cloud Services?

Managed Cloud Services offer round-the-clock technical support. Your cloud service provider offers assistance with issues, troubleshooting, and ensuring smooth operations of the cloud environment.

Are there service-level agreements (SLAs) offered for Managed Cloud Services?

Yes, Managed Cloud Services often include SLAs that define the level of service, uptime guarantees, performance metrics, and support response times.

Can Managed Cloud Services integrate with my existing IT infrastructure?

Yes, Managed Cloud Services can integrate with existing IT infrastructure, allowing businesses to leverage the benefits of the cloud while maintaining compatibility with on-premises systems.

What is the process for migrating my applications and data to Managed Cloud Services?

Managed Cloud Service providers assist with the migration process, working closely with businesses. We plan, execute, and optimise the migration of applications and data to the cloud environment.

How is performance monitored and optimised in Managed Cloud Services?

Managed Cloud Services employ monitoring tools and performance optimisation techniques to track system performance. These tools also identify bottlenecks, ensuring optimal performance and resource utilisation.

What happens if there is an issue or downtime with the cloud services?

Managed Cloud Service providers have protocols in place to address issues and minimise downtime. They provide proactive support, rapid incident response, and ensure business continuity.

Are there any compliance and regulatory considerations with Managed Cloud Services?

Yes, Managed Cloud Services help businesses meet compliance requirements by implementing security controls, adhering to regulations, and providing support for compliance audits.

Can Managed Cloud Services help with compliance audits and certifications?

Yes, Managed Cloud Services often assist businesses in preparing for compliance audits and achieving certifications required for their industry or regulatory standards.

How do billing and pricing work for Managed Cloud Services?

Managed Cloud Services are typically billed based on usage or subscription models, with pricing structures that align with the resources required to implement your cloud infrastructure.

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    Area of Interest

    Common Questions

    Do you outsource your work overseas?

    No. We use local teams only. That way we can respond more quickly to any problems that may occur. We want your tech running smoothly so you can focus on what you do best.

    Is your support 24 hours?

    Yes. We have people available whenever you need us. We understand that your tech runs 24 hours, and you need it be working at all times.

    Are your services customised for my business?

    Yes. There is great off the shelf software. But we know one size never fits all. So anything we set up for you is designed to make your business run smoother and in the way you want it to.

    Are your services expensive?

    No. Reliable tech is the life blood of your business. We keep it running smoothly so your business can keep making money. All our services are fixed fees, so you never get any nasty surprises.

    What’s the next step?

    Simply book a chat with one of our experts. We’ll have a chat about exactly what you need and how we can help. If you like our approach then we’ll give you a fixed price quote and get everything up and running for you, fast!

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